Sex shop

Our First Time In A SEX Club!

OMG, you are going where? Why? Isn’t it dirty there? You’re going to get STDs! These were among some of the first things I experienced from the reaction of the few people I told we were going. It did not help how intimidating it is to begin with, and not add all that thought to the back of my mind.

As we got ready that evening I had so many things going through my mind. What does one wear to these? So I wore jeans, a sexy cleavage shirt, and boots. Did make-up and hair, and got my little bag of goodies ready. Included in it were my I.D, some cash, condoms, (Which was weird because we have not purchased any in at least a decade.) my phone, and a pen. Later I will make a post on making a care bag for the club. 

When we were ready to go, we got in the car and had to stop at the local grocery store and pick up some alcohol. There was no way in hell I was going in there without some liquid courage. From the store, the sex club was only like 3 or 4 minutes away. Yes, we live like 10 minutes or less from a sex club lol.

When we arrived in the parking lot I had butterflies the size of footballs in my stomach. Now, a little tidbit of info you should know to understand our/my state of mind at that moment. Xander and myself got married Dec of 2018 in Las Vegas 550ft in the air by a midget Yoda. Yes, I said that correctly. In Vegas Weed is 100% recreational, meaning you do not need to have a medical reason to use it in Vegas. We did not partake in anything weed-related, we were both pretty straight and narrow people. We played by most of the rules lol.

Two of our closest friends came with us, one to be our witness, second because it sounded fun to have someone else with us. Well the guy who came with us, was already a weed vapor, and he had never been to a dispensary so that was something he wanted to do while we were there. We went to a place called Planet 13

It was a super-duper fancy and high end feeling place. Everyone was incredibly helpful, informative, and friendly. We went in there to look, and we came out with gummies, and he came out with a disposable vape pen. Without getting too deep end of the story was we really enjoyed the gummies. It was some of the best sleep and sex I’ve had in a very very long time. (low sex drive and sleep insomnia) So when we returned home we decided to get a pen to do ya know like a few times a month kinda thing.

Now let’s get back to the fact we are sitting in front of the club and I am trying to get my Wheaties to want to go in. So to help my nerves I was vaping to try and mellow out. We sat out there for what felt like forever but in reality, it was maybe like 15 minutes. Anyways, we went in and walked into what looked like a lobby, we were greeted by two women at the door checking people in.

After we were checked in they gave us a tour of the place. It wasn’t but was what I expected, there is a like bar/dance floor area, and then the whole back is the “Play Area”. We walked through the front all the people there I thought were looking at me like a meal. Oh btw we went on “Newbie Night”, so it seemed like we were the fresh meat lol.

After our tour, we stopped at the bar and picked up 2 of the drinks that we picked up while we were there. I went over and sat at a table and kinda just sat and took everything in. They had this like a huge projector on the wall playing themed porn. While looking around the room it looked like maybe 4 to 6 other couples that night, which the manager that showed us around said Friday’s can be slower, but that this was not normal.

As we sat there and took it all in a couple was sitting next to where we were that kept giving us eyeballs/ looking our way. I then saw them get up and head our way! I elbowed Xander, “Babe look they are coming this way shhhhh!” They walked up and the man said: “May we sit down with you?” We agreed, “Please sit.”

They were super nice, and we enjoyed talking to them. We sat there all night and talked, and before we knew it they were closed. Would we have done something with them? Yes, maybe but we were too scared/chicken to do anything about it. We were not disappointed with the night at all. What we quickly learned more than the sexy stuff, it’s incredibly nice to just be in a room with all like-minded people.

We then went home and enjoyed ourselves 😉


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