What is a SEX club?

What is a sex club you might ask yourself? I know I did. Hollywood makes us think that it is this wild place you go, and everyone around you is just fucking like rabbits, right? Just piles of bodies, and orgasms as far as the eye can see! Well, I am here to tell you that it is a myth/bust. Is it a magical place, yes. Is it a place to be around like-minded people, yes. Is there sexy things happening there, yes. However, it is nothing like what I had pictured.

I am not going to go into our first experience, as that is another fun blog for you to read. I will link it for you here. Our First Time In A SEX Club! There are most likely a few clubs in your area. most can be found just googling them. do your research, look up reviews and what your fellow swingers have to say about the place. They will be straight forward, and usually, give you a pretty good vibe for the place. Next find out if they have a membership (most do), and what the cost of the event is. Most clubs are open Fridays and Saturdays and have a theme for each evening. Now if you are new take a peek most clubs have some kind of newbie night or a night free to enter so you can check it out. Most will have some kind of dress code, and honestly thank God! Think of it this way, you are going to try and attract someone to maybe have some fun with, you want to make sure you are dressed nice and are looking your sexiest! It’s like going on a double date only you may have sex with them at the end! 😉

Every club will be slightly different, but the one thing that they all have in common is RULES! This instantly made me feel better knowing that they have, and enforce the rules set. The one that is the same no matter what club you are at is, no means NO, and ask before you touch. This is for you as much as for the couple or person you may be talking with. It is a security that you know that nothing is going to happen unless you want it to.

The few clubs we have been to so far have some kinda “pub” like set up, an area where you can dance, drink, mingle, or simply observe. most clubs have a BYOB kinda policy, check with your local club to see how they handle alcoholic beverages. Then there is an area of rooms or a room with many beds, couches, etc, I will cover this more in the blog, Our First Time In A SEX Club! Now the ones that we have been to also had like a “member area”, where they serve food on Saturday nights. last a smoking area, shower area, and restrooms.

So in closing a sex club, is a place to go and hang out with like-minded people, where you have the possibility to have some sexy fun, but is not required. More importantly, is it is a place for you and your partner to go and have a nice night out together.

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